
Mass Flow Converter

Created by CalcKit Admin
Last updated: 7 Feb 2024

Mass flow converters are essential tools in various fields, helping professionals and enthusiasts alike to seamlessly convert mass flow rates across different units.

Mass flow rate refers to the amount of mass moving through a given point per unit of time. Whether you're working with kilograms, grams, milligrams, tons, or pounds, a reliable flow-mass converter is indispensable.

Let's delve into the details of each unit and the conversion factors associated with them.

  • Kilogram / Second (kg/s): The kilogram per second is the standard unit of mass flow rate in the International System of Units (SI), representing one kilogram of mass passing through a point in one second.
    Conversion Factor: 1 kg/s = 60 kg/min = 1,000 g/s = 60,000 g/min = 1,000,000 mg/s = 60,000,000 mg/min = 0.001 t/s = 0.06 t/min = 2.20462 lb/s = 132.277 lb/min

  • Kilogram / Minute (kg/min): The kilogram per minute is another unit for mass flow rate, measuring the mass in kilograms passing through a point in one minute.
    Conversion Factor: 1 kg/min = 0.01667 kg/s

  • Gram / Second (g/s): The gram per second is a metric unit representing one gram of mass passing through a point in one second.
    Conversion Factor: 1 g/s = 0.001 kg/s = 0.06 kg/min = 60 g/min = 1,000 mg/s = 60,000 mg/min = 0.000001 t/s = 0.00006 t/min = 0.00220462 lb/s = 0.132277 lb/min

  • Gram / Minute (g/min): The gram per minute is a metric unit measuring the mass in grams passing through a point in one minute.
    Conversion Factor: 1 g/min = 0.01667 g/s

  • Milligram / Second (mg/s): The milligram per second is a smaller metric unit, representing one thousandth of a gram passing through a point in one second.
    Conversion Factor: 1 mg/s = 0.001 g/s = 0.06 g/min = 0.000001 kg/s = 0.00006 kg/min = 60 mg/min = 0.00000220462 lb/s = 0.0001322772 lb/min

  • Milligram / Minute (mg/min): The milligram per minute measures the mass in milligram passing through a point in one minute.
    Conversion Factor: 1 mg/min = 0.01667 mg/s

  • Ton / Second (t/s): The ton per second is a larger unit, representing one ton of mass passing through a point in one second.
    Conversion Factor: 1 t/s = 1,000 kg/s = 60,000 kg/min = 1,000,000 g/s = 60,000,000 g/min = 60 t/min = 2,204.62 lb/s = 132,277.36 lb/min

  • Ton / Minute (t/min): The ton per minute is also a larger unit, measuring the mass in tons passing through a point in one minute.
    Conversion Factor: 1 t/min = 0.01667 t/s = 16.66667 kg/s

  • Pound / Second (lb/s): The pound per second is a unit commonly used in the imperial system, representing one pound of mass passing through a point in one second.
    Conversion Factor: 1 lb/s = 0.453592 kg/s = 27.216 kg/min = 453.59 g/s = 27,216.5 g/min = 453,592.4 mg/s = 27,216,000 mg/min = 0.000453592 t/s = 0.027216 t/min

  • Pound / Minute (lb/min): The pound per minute is an imperial unit measuring the mass in pounds passing through a point in one minute.
    Conversion Factor: 1 lb/min = 0.01667 lb/s = 0.00755987 kg/s

Understanding these units and their conversion factors is crucial for accurate and efficient mass flow rate calculations. Whether you're in the field of physics, engineering, chemistry, or any other discipline, having a solid grasp of flow-mass conversions enhances precision in your work.