
Kinematic Viscosity Converter

Created by CalcKit Admin
Last updated: 7 Feb 2024

Viscosity is a fundamental property of fluids that describes their resistance to flow. Kinematic viscosity, specifically, is a measure of a fluid's internal friction, indicating how easily it flows under the influence of gravity. It is defined as the ratio of the dynamic viscosity (μ) over the density of the fluid (ρ) and is commonly denoted by the Greek letter nu (ν).

The formula for kinematic viscosity (ν) is given by:

ν = μ / ρ


  • ν (nu) is the kinematic viscosity,
  • μ (mu) is the dynamic viscosity, and
  • ρ (rho) is the density of the fluid.

Units of Kinematic Viscosity

Here, we present you with a range of widely utilized units for measuring kinematic viscosity, including metric, imperial, and other units, along with the conversion factors between them.

Metric Units

  • Meter² / second (m²/s): The kinematic viscosity in square meters per second. The standard unit for kinematic viscosity.
    Conversion Factor: 1 m²/s = 3,600 m²/h

  • Meter² / hour (m²/h): Kinematic viscosity measured in square meters per hour. A unit that is 3,600 times smaller than the standard unit.
    Conversion Factor: 1 m²/h = 1 m² / 3,600 s = 0.00027777 m²/s

  • Centimeter² / second (cm²/s): The kinematic viscosity in square centimeters per second. A unit that is 10,000 times smaller than the standard unit.
    Conversion Factor: 1 cm²/s = 0.0001 m²/s

  • Millimeter² / second (mm²/s): Kinematic viscosity measured in square millimeters per second. A unit that is 1,000,000 times smaller than the standard unit.
    Conversion Factor: 1 mm²/s = 0.000001 m²/s

Imperial Units

  • Foot² / second (ft²/s): The kinematic viscosity in square feet per second. The most commonly used unit of the imperial units for kinematic viscosity.
    Conversion Factor: 1 ft²/s = 3,600 ft²/h = 0.0929 m²/s

  • Foot² / hour (ft²/h): The kinematic viscosity in square feet per hour. A unit that is 3,600 times smaller than ft²/s.
    Conversion Factor: 1 ft²/h = 1 ft² / 3,600 s = 0.00027777 ft²/s

  • Inch² / second (in²/s): Kinematic viscosity measured in square inches per second. A unit that is 144 times smaller than ft²/s.
    Conversion Factor: 1 in²/s = 0.00694444 ft²/s

CGS Units

  • Stokes (St): The basic unit of kinematic viscosity in the centimeter-gram-second (CGS) system. It is equal to one square centimeter per second.
    Conversion Factor: 1 St = 1 cm²/s = 0.0001 m²/s

  • Kilostokes (kSt): A unit of kinematic viscosity equal to 1,000 stokes.
    Conversion Factor: 1 kSt = 1,000 St

  • Megastokes (MSt): A high unit of kinematic viscosity, equivalent to 1,000,000 stokes.
    Conversion Factor: 1 MSt = 1,000,000 St

  • Millistokes (mSt): A subunit of kinematic viscosity, equal to one-thousandth of a stoke.
    Conversion Factor: 1 mSt = 0.001 St

  • Microstokes (µSt): A very small unit of kinematic viscosity, equal to one-millionth of a stoke.
    Conversion Factor: 1 µSt = 0.000001 St