
Fuel Consumption Converter

Created by CalcKit Admin
Last updated: 7 Feb 2024

Fuel consumption is a crucial aspect of understanding and managing the efficiency of vehicles. It refers to the amount of fuel consumed by a vehicle over a specific distance traveled. Monitoring fuel consumption helps in assessing the performance, efficiency, and environmental impact of vehicles.

To facilitate easy conversion between different fuel consumption units, we present out simple fuel consumption converter tool. This article aims to explain the various units used to measure fuel consumption and provide the conversion factors for each unit.

Liters / 100km

Liters per 100 kilometers (l/100km) is a commonly used way of expressing fuel consumption. It represents the volume of fuel, in liters, consumed by a vehicle to travel a distance of 100 kilometers.

To convert other units to Liters / 100km, use the following conversion factors:

  • [l/100km] = 100 / [km/l]
  • [l/100km] = 100 / [mi/l] / 1.609344
  • [l/100km] = 235.215 / [mpg (US)]
  • [l/100km] = 282.481 / [mpg (UK)]

Kilometers / Liter

Kilometers per liter (km/l) measures the distance a vehicle can travel in kilometers on one liter of fuel.

To convert other units to Kilometers / Liters, use the following conversion factors:

  • [km/l] = 100 / [l/100km]
  • [km/l] = [mi/l] / 0.621371
  • [km/l] = [mpg (US)] / 2.35215
  • [km/l] = [mpg (UK)] / 2.82481

Miles / Liter

Miles per liter (mi/l) represents the distance traveled in miles using one liter of fuel.

To convert other units to Miles / Liter, use the following conversion factors:

  • [mi/l] = 62.1371 / [l/100km]
  • [mi/l] = [km/l] * 0.621371
  • [mi/l] = [mpg (US)] / 3.78541
  • [mi/l] = [mpg (UK)] / 4.54609

Miles / Gallon

Miles per gallon (mpg) indicates the distance a vehicle can travel in miles using one gallon of fuel (US gallon is equal to 3.78541 liters, while the UK gallon is 4.54609 liters).

To convert other units to Miles per Gallon (US), use the following conversion factors:

  • [mpg (US)] = 235.215 / [l/100km]
  • [mpg (US)] = [km/l] / 0.425144
  • [mpg (US)] = [mi/l] / 0.264172
  • [mpg (US)] = [mpg (UK)] / 1.20095

To convert other units to Miles per Gallon (UK), use the following conversion factors:

  • [mpg (UK)] = 282.481 / [l/100km]
  • [mpg (UK)] = [km/l] / 0.354006
  • [mpg (UK)] = [mi/l] / 0.219969
  • [mpg (UK)] = [mpg (US)] * 1.20095