
Angular Acceleration Converter

Created by CalcKit Admin
Last updated: 20 Jun 2024

Angular acceleration is a fundamental concept in physics and engineering that describes the rate at which an object's angular velocity changes over time. It plays a crucial role in understanding rotational motion and is measured in various units, of which the most common are radians and revolutions per second.

To facilitate conversion between the common units of angular acceleration, we present our simple Angular Acceleration Converter Tool. This tool allows you to convert between the following units: revolutions per second squared (r/s²), revolutions per minute squared (r/min²), radians per second squared (rad/s²), and radians per minute squared (rad/min²).

  • Revolutions per Second Squared (r/s²): The angular acceleration experienced when an object's angular velocity changes by 1 revolution per second in 1 second.
    Conversion factor: 1 r/s² = 2π rad/s² = 60² r/min² = 2π * 60² rad/min²

  • Revolution per Minute Squared (r/min²): The angular acceleration experienced when an object's angular velocity changes by 1 revolution per minute in 1 minute.
    Conversion factor: 1 r/min² = 2π rad/min² = 1/60² r/s² = 2π/60² rad/s²

  • Radian per Second Squared (rad/s²): The angular acceleration experienced when an object's angular velocity changes by 1 radian per second in 1 second.
    Conversion factor: 1 rad/s² = 1/(2π) r/s² = 60² rad/min² = 60²/(2π) r/min²

  • Radian per Minute Squared (rad/min²): The angular acceleration experienced when an object's angular velocity changes by 1 radian per minute in 1 minute.
    Conversion factor: 1 rad/min² = 1/(2π) r/min² = 1/60² rad/s² = 1 / (2π * 60²) r/s²

Understanding angular acceleration and its various units is vital for analyzing rotational motion. With the Angular Acceleration Converter Tool, converting between the most common units of angular acceleration becomes a breeze. By utilizing the appropriate conversion factors, you can accurately and efficiently perform conversions, enabling you to work with angular acceleration values in the unit that suits your needs.