Scientific Calculator

How to add calculator shortcut?

Starting from CalcKit v4.0.0, the calculator shortcut is not installed by default.

You can now add the calculator shortcut to the home screen manually from the list of widgets.

  • Long-press the CalcKit icon
  • Tap the Widgets button
  • Drag the Calculator to your home screen

Calculations History

CalcKit's Scientific Calculator features an advanced calculations/results history.

Calculations are saved to the history when you press = (equal) or C (clear).

Tapping the "History" button opens a screen with two tabs:

  • History - Contains your latest 50 calculations and
  • Saved - Contains your saved calculations

Each item in the history stores the expression, result and timestamp when the calculation was performed. By tapping on one of the items, it's result will be appended to the end of your current expression in the calculator.

By long-pressing an item in the history you will be presented with further options:

  • Use Result - Append the item's result to the end of your current expression
  • Use Expression - Append the item's expression to the end of your current expression
  • Copy - Copy the expression and result to the clipboard (Example: 25 + 5 = 30)
  • Delete - Delete the item from the history
  • Save - Save the item to the Saved tab

Edit Buttons

The Scientific Calculator comes with 20 function keys (colored buttons) which can be customized according to your liking. To each function key you can assign any of the many available built-in functions.

How to edit the keys/buttons?

To edit a function key/button, follow the steps below:

  1. First, make sure that the Enable editing buttons setting is enabled/activated in the Settings menu.
  2. Then, open the calculator screen
  3. Long-press the function key (colored button) that you would like to change
  4. Now a grid with all possible built-in functions appears on the screen
  5. Tap on one of the functions to repace your current button with it
  6. Repeat this process for any other function key that you would like to change
Built-in Functions

Below is a list with all available built-in functions and short description for each.

MC MR M+ M- Memory functions (clear, return, add, subtract)
ANS Return latest answer/result
% Calculate percentage.50 + 25% = 62.5
50 - 25% = 37.5
50 × 25% = 12.5
50 ÷ 25% = 200 
π Pi, mathematical constant, 3.14159…
e Euler’s number, mathematical constant, 2.71828…
x2 x3 xn Calculates "x" to the power of 2 / 3 / n. Enters ^2 ^3 ^
x-1 Reciprocal Function. Enters ^(-1)
3 n Square / Cube / nth root (Example: √(16) 3√(27) 5√(32))
x! Factorial (Example: 4! = 4×3×2×1)
10n Power of 10. Enters 10^
en e raised to the power of n. Enters e^
log Common logarithm (base 10)
ln Natural logarithm (base e)
sin cos tan cot sec csc Trigonometric functions (sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, cosecant)
sin-1 cos-1 tan-1 Inverse trigonometric functions (arcsine, arccosine, arctangent)
sinh cosh tanh Hyperbolic functions (sine, cosine, tangent)
sinh-1 cosh-1 tanh-1 Inverse hyperbolic functions (arcsine, arccosine, arctangent)
abs Calculate the absolute value of a number
ceil Round a value towards plus infinity
floor Round a value towards minus infinity
EXP Exponent, similar to 10n function. Enters E (Example: 5E4 = 50000)

Floating Calculator

CalcKit packs a fully featured floating calculator that actually contains all functions available in the main scientific calculator.

The calculator floats above other apps, so it can easily be used for multitasking in combination with any other app.

There are several ways to open the floating calculator:

From Calculator

Open the calculator and tap the icon in the top-right corner of the screen.

From Shortcut

Add the Floating Calculator widget to your home screen to create a shortcut. You can use this shortcut to directly start the floating calculator.

From Quick Settings

Since Android 7, it is possible to modify the Quick Settings section of Android. In the list of possible tiles there is also CalcKit.

To add it, swipe down from the top of your screen twice to fully expand the Quick Settings panel, then tap the edit icon. Next, scroll down and you'll find the CalcKit tile. From here, just long-press the CalcKit tile, drag it to the dark grey section at the top of this menu, and drop it into place.

Once you're done with that, you'll be able to access the floating calculator by swiping down twice from the top of any screen.

Or, if you added it to one of the first six slots, you'll even be able to see it in your notification tray by swiping down once.