CalcKit v4.2.2

May 5, 2022

A new release of CalcKit is here!

What's new?

Improved Floating Calculator

Improved Custom Tools

Improved Calculators

Community Library

Other Improvements

Improved Floating Calculator

Problems when starting the floating calculator from "Quick Settings Tile" on Android 11 and 12 should be completely fixed now.

When expanding the floating calculator from a bubble, it will now open at the same vertical position as the bubble (Previously it was in the bottom-right corner).

Fixed a problem with the decimal places. The floating calculator always rounded to 4 decimal places. Now it will load and use the correct number of decimal palces from the settings menu.

Improved Custom Tools

Added three new functions that can be used in the custom tools:

  • mod(_,_) to calculate the modulus (remainder of an integer division)
  • gcd(_,_) to calculate the greatest common divisor
  • lcm(_,_) to calculate the least common multiple

Implemented the option to add formulas to a Choice variable in the custom tools. With this addition, it is now possible to show a value as a pre-defined text.

Please note that when formulas are added to a Choice variable, that variable field is automatically disabled and acts only as an output.

Improved Calculators

In calculators that accept list of values as input (Average, GCF/LCM and Series/Parallel Components calculators), when pressing the ADD button, new values are added at the top of the list and not at the bottom, which makes it much easier to insert many values at once.

Changed the field in the length converter to not accept any values bigger or equal to .12 for the inch part. For example, 5.8 would have previously been evaluated as 5ft 80in, now it will simply show empty.

This change was made because single-digit inch values like 5.08 (5ft 8in) can be confused with values like 5.8 (5ft 80in).

Community Library

A few months after its release, the community library is getting its first set of 15 calculators.

  • Acceleration Calculator
  • Arithmetic Sequence
  • Calculadora de Mezclas
  • Compound Interest
  • Data Plans Comparison
  • Download Time Calculator
  • Land Area Converter (North India)
  • Length Converter (Metric / Imperial)
  • Mileage Calculator (US)
  • Mileage Calculator
  • Mixed Solutions Calculator
  • Raffle Winning Chance Calculator
  • ROI Calculator
  • Unit Price Calculator
  • Velocity Calculator

Other Improvements

Copy calculator result as 123456.789 instead of 123 456.789 (removed white-spaces)

Updated all libraries to their latest versions and fixed some minor issues on Android 12.