CalcKit v4.3.0

September 10, 2022

A new release of CalcKit is here!

What's new?

CalcKit for Web

Images in Custom Tools

Improved Calculators

Community Library

CalcKit for Web

The Web version of CalcKit has finally arrived. Built completely around "custom tools", it can be used on any device that supports a web browser.

At the moment it has around 120 tools available, but that number should grow in the future and get closer to, if not even exceed the number of tools in the Android version.

Being built with compatibility in mind, it is possible to import/export individual "custom tools" between the Android and the Web version.

Images in Custom Tools

Now you have the option to add PNG/JPG/JPEG images in the custom tools.

At the moment you can only add images that are hosted online, by URL. This is done in order to keep the same import/export method as before, and to keep the ability of sharing tools with other people, or between the Web and the Andoid version.

If you want to use your own images in a custom tool, you'll first need to upload them online and enter the URLs in CalcKit. One free website that you can use to upload/store images is

After you open a custom tool that contains images, all images it contains will be downloaded and stored locally in cache, so you can use the tool later offline, without active internet connection.

Improved Calculators

The Tip Calculator has been improved and can now calculate also using the Tip amount, Final bill and Cost / Person. Previously these fields were only outputs, now they can also act as inputs.

Added Kilometer/minute and Meter/minute to the Speed converter.

Community Library

Added two new tools to the Community Library.

  • Slope Calculator
  • Auto-Beladung